Monday, August 22, 2011

pitter patter go the raindrops

If I had known that New Jersey now has its own monsoon season, I would have taken some back-up outfit photos! gee whiz, it has not stopped raining here in days and I sort of forget what the sun looks like. I already feel a bit amateur doing indoor outfit posts to begin with, so I couldn't bring myself to post ones that were taken in pitch darkness with flash :p I also got some fantastic new flapper doodle products in the mail on Friday and haven't had a chance to photograph them for my shop since the weather has been so dreary. Mother nature always seems to plan these massive rainstorms for days when I desperately want to use my camera!

In other news, I went jeans shopping on Friday for the first time in about two years. I don't wear jeans very often, but I really felt like I needed a new pair since my olds ones were a bit loose. Turns out, I'm two sizes smaller now! :D Woo hoo! I haven't been this size since high school, about 8 years ago, so I'm over-the-moon with glee! I'm not on weight watchers anymore, but I think cutting back on grapefruit juice and drinking more water in its place has done me a world of good. I know it's fruit, but grapefruit juice still packs a load of calories when you're consuming about a bottle a day (eek!)

ps. I have a little interview up on The Girl with the Blue Bow today! Check it out here :-)