I'm so glad that I started blogging (almost) daily in 2011. I've changed a lot this year and I don't think I would have noticed much if I hadn't been keeping a detailed record of my every thought and haircolor ;) So here are some of my favorite posts, outfits and moments from 2011!

Favorite outfit: sugar spice and everything nice
Favorite post: Style Idol: Clarissa Darling
Moments: January was pretty uneventful, but I did take these photos for my blog header (replaced by my pink haired illustration this summer) with which I'm still pretty smitten! :)

Favorite outfit: eh-hem
Moments: My little Chloe turned 9, I did a Style Idol post for my Grandmom Eve and I discovered Eureka

Favorite outfit: posh frock friday
Favorite post: Happy Pi Day!
Moments: My blog turned 1 year old, I discovered Twin Peaks, I made vegan mac & cheese and it was actually good!

Favorite outfit: what we see and what we seem are but a dream
Favorite post: I hosted a virtual slumber party on Amber's blog
Moments: I was accepted to the University of Toronto (but didn't end up attending), my parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary, I discovered the solution for tangled hair, and I fell in love with Arrested Development

Favorite outfit: posh frock friday
Favorite post: come with me where dreams are born, and time is never planned, and my cat shoe DIY
Moments: I celebrated my 4th anniversary with Hypatia, and my dad's birthday in Princeton, and I discovered Parks and Recreation (tv was pretty important in my life this year, it seems!)

Favorite outfit: sunshine on a cloudy day
Favorite post: star stuff, and my video for the blowfish shoes giveaway
Moments: Slumber Party Sunday was born and I won first place at the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit!

Favorite outfit: up!
Favorite post: Spice Girls themed slumber party sunday
Moments: I dyed my hair pink, I dyed it back to red, I watched the weirdest movie ever with my best friends, and Andi did a really fun interview on my blog!

Favorite outfit: heart still beating
Favorite post: my favorite Wishlist Wednesday (paleontology themed)
Moments: I went back to pink, The first annual Clarissa Explains it All week, and I decided to try to tackle quantum physics (still working on that..)

Favorite outfit: posh frock friday
Favorite post: look what I made and look what I made #2
Moments: I learned how to sew my own dresses from scratch, I posted a room tour, and I completed the drawings for my 2012 calendar, my favorite Flapper Doodle work yet.

Favorite outfit: no one's gloomy or complaining while the flatware's entertaining
Favorite post: playing dress up
Moments: I finally started taking full-size outfit photos, I taught myself how to read music, I discovered The Big Bang Theory, Casey gave me the most amazing gift ever, Elycia drew a portrait of me, and I painted a mural on my bathroom wall.

Favorite outfit: posh frock thursday
Favorite posts: DIY faux beehive and DIY anthropologie landscape dress
Moments: I went to Disney World and turned 25, I said goodbye to pink (for now), I co-hosted A Very Merry Indie Christmas, made the most amazing vegetarian meal ever, and managed to capture Chloe in an outfit picture.

Favorite outfit: posh frock friday
Favorite post: messy
Moments: My Aunt Annie turned 100 years old!, I made a classic movie Christmas video, I discovered How I Met Your Mother, I finally found grapefruit tic-tacs, and I celebrated Christmas with my two favorite felines and my wonderful family :)