dress - vintage
shoes - modcloth
hair bow - hive & honey
Is this dress ah-mazing or what?! I found it on ebay for only $20! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it... it's the most gorgeous shade of mint, with really pretty intricate crocheted lace around the neck and sleeves *and* it's my exact measurements. This thing fits so good it's like it was made for me. The sleeves originally had a little balloon-elastic attachment thingy that was really easy to remove (I sort of wonder if they're the reason it was only $20... they weren't especially pretty lol) Luckily I had a seam ripper and 10 minutes to kill ;)
Well... this is it for me until I get back from Disney World!! Tomorrow I'll be on the train headed for Florida :D I've scheduled oodles and heaps of posts for while I'm gone, though! Lots of great guest DIY posts, as well as some projects I did myself! I also scheduled a special Disney-themed slumber party sunday post!
FYI - I am totally disconnecting for my trip... no email, twitter, instagram, etsy, nothing, nada. So if you drop me a line, I won't be able to respond until I get back! However, my mom will be handling my etsy shop for me while I'm away so if you have any etsy-related questions she'll be there to help! :)
See you soon!! :D