Today only, I'm offering 25% off any order of $10 or more in my etsy shop with the code SMALLSAT. This applies to the calendars and Christmas cards, too, so if you liked them when I posted about them a couple months ago now would be a great time to snatch them up (or urgently inform whoever is buying your Christmas presents that they are 25% off today)... just saying ;)
A lot of etsy shops are having pretty tremendous sales this weekend, not just big box stores (and you know we could probably all use the sales a lot more than wal mart!) If you don't know where to even begin, there's of course my own shop (sorry, haha!) and then I also made a little handmade/vintage wishlist yesterday with tons of great gift ideas! And through the very merry indie christmas link-up in that post, you can find hundreds more, to boot!
ps. I recently downsized my inventory in my etsy shop, but if you see something in the sold orders that you want, let me know... if I still have it in stock (or the parts to make it) I can list it as a custom order for you :)
edit: it's about 11pm now and I'm getting ready for bed, and I'm not deactivating the code until I wake up (hint hint!) so if you want to sneak in a saturday sale while I'm sleeping sunday morning, you totally can! ;D