Sunday, April 3, 2011

sunday funnies

A week or so ago, I mentioned on twitter that I wanted to get hooked on a new show since I was just re-watching my favorites over and over (I'm on my third viewing of the complete Eureka series since discovering it in February) and Sarah mentioned how outrageously hilarious Arrested Development was. Netflix has it on instant watch, so I decided to give it a try. And OH MY GOSH it might just be the funniest show in television history. I'm laughing just thinking about it. It is stuffed to the brim with brilliant actors who are so good at being funny it's like they have superhuman comedy skills. I just can't even describe how hilarious. So, if you already watch it, this graphic (which is available on a t-shirt, here!!) will probably make you spit out your morning coffee and burst into a hyperventilating laughing fit. If you don't watch it, you should. And if me commanding you to watch it isn't really enough, you know you want to anyway just to understand why "Chareth Cutestory, Maritime Law" is so darn funny.