dress worn as a top - c/o emerging thoughts
belt - from another dress
shoes - c/o blowfish
skirt - h&m
We ended up rescheduling our post office appointment yesterday because I woke up with an insanely bad fever and felt absolutely miserable :( Luckily after a day on the couch and lots of cat naps I'm doing much better, but gee whiz did I feel rotten! I was 99% positive I had the flu, so I'm really relieved whatever it was went away, and I'm just hoping it doesn't come back.
I'm especially glad it seems to have been a one-day sort of thing because I actually have plans this weekend (shocker!) I'm having a girls day with my mom & grandmom at IKEA on Saturday, then I'm taking my family to the natural history museum on Sunday. There's this scene in How I Met Your Mother where drunk Ted says "I have to see some penguins like, right now!" ... well lately I've been feeling that way about dinosaur bones, only sober.