shirt - old navy
skirt - modcloth
shoes - francesca's*
bow tie - honeybean
tights - target
Yesterday I adopted a new kitty cat to add to my family!! He's a super sweet and shy 1 year old tiger cat, from the same rescue organization that I got Chloe & Hypatia. I get to pick him up on Monday! I am 99.9% sure that his name is going to be Hubble (like the telescope.) I'd wanted to name a cat Dwight or Pongo for a while, but when I met him I knew instantly that neither of those names fit him. He's definitely more of a Hubble!
He seems like a really kind, gentle cat so I just know he & Hypatia will get along swimmingly! He's going to be living in my room for a little while before I let him meet Chloe, though. She's a wee bit territorial, and she's also VERY curious! I don't want Hubble getting the sniff-down on his first day in his new home lol :)
*You can take 30% off any one item at Francesca's with the code KATE! :)