How could I pass this up?! A kitty cat printed purse!! Ahh! I got one for myself, too -- I actually didn't intend to this time, but after the giveaway one came in the mail I *had* to buy another! -- it's just so adorable in person. You can see more views (or buy one, if the giveaway gods don't decide in your favor this week) on ASOS here!
To enter: simply leave a comment letting me know that you're entering, and some way to contact you (email, twitter, blog, whatever floats your boat!) You must be a follower to enter (and, please, none of this follow-and-leave as soon as the giveaway is over jazz.. that's super rude!) This giveaway is open to US & Canada only (sorry!)
For additional entries: (leave a separate comment for each entry)
1. Tweet this "Just entered to win a cat purse on @kategabrielle's blog! http://www.scathingly-brilliant.blogspot.com" (Only counts if you use that exact tweet.)
2. Follow me on facebook
3. Follow me on bloglovin
Giveaway endson February 13th at 12:01AM EST has ended.
3. Follow me on bloglovin
Giveaway ends
Winner: Comment #245