dress - vintage
necklace - handmade
shoes - blowfish
hair bow - hive & honey
I bought this dress in the spring, right when it was getting too hot to wear it and I've been dying for cooler weather to get here ever since! Unfortunately I've gained a few pounds in the mean time, so it was a tight squeeze getting the zipper up. But I guess that's just an incentive to not overdo it on cookies and pie in the coming months, right? ;)
The dress I was wearing in my post yesterday had a really neat collar, but you couldn't tell from my distant full length photos. I had toyed with the idea of posting close-up photos several months ago but I really didn't like the way it broke up my posts so I stopped doing it. I really like having just the one photo accompanied by some text. Well, yesterday it hit me! I can take close up photos of all of my outfits all week, but save them for a little detail round-up post on Friday night! That way you can see all of the pretty little details like collars, embroidery and patterns without me sacrificing my clean one-photo outfit posts throughout the week ;) Since I only thought of it last night, I didn't take any detail photos this week but I will start to next week!