Since 2010 I've been having a $1 print sale once a year. I held the last two during January, but this year I thought I'd hold off until later in the year, so it's more helpful for early Christmas shopping *hint, hint* ;)
Basically, it's pretty simple -- all 4x6 prints are just one single dollar. You can buy as many (or as little) as you want, and they're still $1. The sale is only active in my storenvy shop, not on etsy. You need to enter the coupon code DOLLARPRINTS at checkout to receive the discount. Only the 4x6 prints are on sale. You can add other non-4x6-print items to your cart and they'll remain at regular price.
And I added one more special feature to this year's sale! It's not just limited to the prints currently in my shop. You can get a 4x6 print of any drawing or painting I've ever put on the internet (including my pun art and cupcakes & antlers.) It includes discontinued art, everything. And it's part of the sale, so it's $1! To buy a print that isn't in my shop, use this listing here.
The sale ends on September 2nd!
ps. The font I used for "$1 print sale" is one of my hand drawn fonts, and it's available in my shop here!