Even though I've been feeling blue lately, I've been really really really enjoying my favorite tv shows and some new-to-me movies recently. Does anyone watch The Mindy Project? I loved the last episode (as a big When Harry Met Sally fan, the whole Bruno Kirby/Carrie Fischer dialogue made me crack up) and having BJ Novak for a guest star made my Office-loving heart explode with happiness. Kelly and Ryan, together again! yay!
Also, speaking of The Office, a while ago Amber recommended The Giant Mechanical Man with Jenna Fischer (Pam) and I kept putting it off because for some reason the title made me think it was an action movie (I swear I miss so many awesome things because of misconceptions like this... I guess this is what the google is for?) but I finally watched it this week and I think it might be in my top five favorite movies ever. It was just SO good and touching and sweet and incredibly relevant to my life at the moment. And so many tv people were in it -- Danny from The Mindy Project is the co-star (and he is absolutely amazing!) plus there's Harry Crane from Mad Men, Eric from That 70's Show, Marshall's boss from How I Met Your Mother and the girl who plays Stella in The Wedding Bride movie in HIMYM too! (It's kind of sad that I recognized all these people. But also a point of pride? hmm..)
Anyway, long story short -- if you like sweet, quiet movies about people who are a little lost in life you'll probably love this too. And it's on Netflix instant! And it's not an action movie.

shoes - from my grandmom | belt - asos