dress - modcloth
sunglasses - modcloth
belt - old navy
shoes - target
locket - handmade
bag - h&m
I wore this on the first day of the show. I know it's nothing original, and I wear this dress way too often, but it's my favorite! :D I swear I could have hundreds of dresses and I'd still wear the same three or four on rotation soo much more than the rest. Especially this one.. Oh, by the by I saw it's back in stock on modcloth again so seriously, snatch it up if you've been eyeing it! I swear it's the best dress EVER.
On the first day I was interviewed for a Japanese tv piece about the art show. I don't know if you can really tell from my blog writing, but I'm INCREDIBLY shy and terribly awkward when I have to talk to people I don't know (I guess this is responsible for my pitiful commenting skills as well). When they asked me what my goal in life was, I answered "to make a living selling my artwork so I can spend more time with my cats." *facepalm* Luckily they didn't include that particular part in the segment, but I still feel like an idiot lol :) Here's the link if you want to see it! I'm on about 3 minutes in.
ps! Gee is doing a giveaway for a $25 gift certificate to my etsy shop, Flapper Doodle, to celebrate her one year blog anniversary!! You can enter HERE :)
Do you want to comment, but have no idea what to say? Trust me, I've been there! So to make things a little easier, here is a question you can answer if you can't think of anything else to say! :)
Cake or pie? (I'm a pie girl)