Thank you SO much to everyone who entered. There were so many incredibly sweet comments that absolutely made my week! I really wish I could afford to give EVERYONE a modcloth gift certificate! As long as I'm wishing, I really wish I could afford to give everyone an unlimited budget shopping spree there.. myself included lol ;-D
Now, to choose a winner, I entered all of the names in numbers (mac version of excel) in the order they were received (including 2 entries I received on facebook) which assigned each entry a number. Then I let random.org do the hard part -- choosing one winner out of 209! So congratulations, Rachael! The Squalling Storm Dress is soon to be yours! :D I'll contact you so I can send you the gift certificate :)
I had so much fun doing this I might make it a regular thing (not $50 regularly, but something almost as equally neat) ... I'll admit, it's partially so I have a reason to keep my giveaway graphic on the sidebar. I've grown so smitten with seeing it there, I don't want to take it down now! lol!