Saturday, March 12, 2011

artistic envy

I have been bitten by the green-eyed monster more times than I'd like to admit. When I come across art that I absolutely love, it's a combination of adoration, awe, and jealousy that I didn't make it myself. As blogger Tommy Salami said on twitter the other day when talking about a great book he's reading, "It's so good that I'm depressed someone else wrote it." That's how I feel about great art.

And so, I thought I'd start spotlighting some of my favorite artists who make me go absolutely green with envy over their artistic abilities and creative sensibilities. People who combine impeccable talent with an awe-inspiring imagination. Peggy Wolf is a prime example. She creates the kind of art I wish I could. It's gorgeous, chic, creative, incredibly well executed and absolutely beautiful! I love her use of color and the combination of opaque blocks of color with translucent watercolors. I want to buy up her entire shop and paper my walls with her artwork.

You can visit her shop on etsy, and you can click through the images to see the individual listings for each print.