Last year I took a photo an hour on my birthday (and then lost the photos, oops!!) so I decided to do it again this year (and then quickly post them so I don't repeat last year's mishap!) The day started out kind of slow... none of my family was ready to do anything with me so I just worked and hung around my apartment until about 2pm. After that we had a lot of fun, though!
9am: waking up with this furry baby snuggled up next to me!

10am: getting ready to put on my birthday dress! I bought it from Fancy That Vintage on etsy and it's by far my favorite vintage purchase ever. It fits like a glove, it's SO pretty (the sleeves!! the bow!!) and the shipping was like practically overnight. So happy!!

11am: working. blah.

12pm: listening to records while I work, starting with the Doctor Zhivago soundtrack

1pm: trimming my bangs and then chopping off more hair on a whim. I keep forgetting to bring over my hair brush from home so I've been using my novelty dinglehopper (see: little mermaid) brush from Disney World in the mean time

2pm: FINALLY on the way out to celebrate my birthday!

3pm: I haven't changed my address for shipping yet so I stopped home to pick up my mail. I had some beautiful greeting cards and basically every purchase I've made in the last couple of weeks arrived on my birthday. yay!

4pm: Parking. It was already dark out at 4:30, what?!?!

5pm: Dinner at Zorba's. If you live in Princeton or nearby they have THE best pita bread and hummus, and their fries are out of this world.

6pm-7pm: shopping at Princeton Record Exchange. Every year on my birthday I plop myself down at the start of the $1 bins on the floor and work my way through all of them. Nobody who shops with me would ever let me spend that much time perusing records on any day other than my birthday lol ;)

8pm: looking through the used books at the Princeton library. I ended up buying the 'Famous Men of the Middle Ages' book in the middle of the photo. I also read the blurb for Wanderer, Sterling Hayden's autobiography, and it sounds SO interesting! It was more money than I wanted to spend yesterday but it's definitely going on my wishlist.

9pm: I had a little birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, so we stopped at Target to pick up some Christmas decorations! Jenny and Danielle posted these on instagram recently and I was dying to have them.. I may have purchased all of the deer on the shelf. oops!

10pm: Home for cake and presents! My mom bought all of the wall paint for my apartment as a birthday present, so on my actual birthday she wrapped up the paint chips with corresponding little gifts (like a pink ice cream scoop, blue washcloths, etc.) that matched each paint color. It was so cute!

11pm: Back at my apartment for the night

12pm: Reading one of my favorite books in bed before watching an episode of the office and hitting the hay. It turned out to be a very nice birthday after all.
I think if someone had told me on my 26th birthday that within a year I'd have gone to Disney World two more times, met Steve Carell, got my own apartment, seen Niagara Falls, got a brand new car and started driving again I would have thought they were off their rocker. Who knows what my 27th year holds!