This afternoon I'm going to see Gravity with my mom.. I'm so excited! It's not often that I'm interested in seeing new releases but this one looks so good. And I had the perfect dress for the occasion! ;D
Like 75% of my clothes and accessories are still at home and I haven't brought over any mirrors yet, so it's been a challenge getting dressed each morning. The only mirror I have is in the bathroom and it only reflects from about my shoulders-up (you can see it in this post) so I'm just winging it. If I had my whole wardrobe at arms-reach I'd probably have worn a hat to match my shoes or maybe different shoes entirely but I just have to make do until we have time to move over more stuff. At least it's coat weather so mismatching isn't a huge problem. I could probably just wear pajamas and a big coat and I'd still look okay when I go out lol :)