Like clockwork, it's the beginning of November and I have Christmasitis! I already put up my trees (I have three, and finally room to display them all) and a few decorations and I am itching to bake up a million cookies and hundreds of pies. Around this time of year it seems like everyone splits off into two groups -- the people who start Christmas too early (me!) and the people who think it's much too soon to start getting festive. I personally love the lead-up to Christmas just as much as the actual day, so I enjoy this particular time of year when stores are just starting to play seasonal tunes and me and my mom begin our annual baking frenzy. Even if you're not fond of seeing red and green decorations 2 months before the 25th, you have to admit.. it is never too early for Christmas cookies ;)

dress - sheinside | blouse - vintage | brooch - vintage | shoes - bait footwear