I've been pinning my bangs back for a few days and I think I'm going to stick with this for a while. I've gotten very used to hair covering up half of my face, so all the forehead I'm seeing in the mirror is a little odd but it just feels so good. I don't have to worry about wind blowing them out of place, heat making them stick to my skin, accidentally making them too short or letting them grow out too long. I love the way bangs look on me, but I need a break. Instead of putting up with them, I'm putting them up ;)
On an unrelated note, has anyone seen the news about The Little Mermaid re-release? It's apparently being released this week with a gimmick that has you bringing your ipad into the theater and participating in audience games and sing-a-longs. I was so excited when it was originally announced that it was going to be released in 3D (and very heartbroken when that was cancelled) but now I'm not sure if I want to go. I know I'm old fashioned, but I really love that movie theaters are one place you can still go to escape from constant connectivity. Will you go?