It took me a little longer than I anticipated to finally get this posted! Oops! I came home early Monday morning and found out that one of the cats had used my bed as a litter box while I was away :( I slept on the floor and then went to IKEA when I woke up to get a new mattress and replace some of my pillows. Luckily the majority of my handmade pillows weren't in the path of destruction but it was still quite the mess to come home to! I'm just really glad that we're having nice weather here at the moment so I can keep my windows wide open to air out my room.
Anyway! While one of the cats was making a mess of my bed at home, I was off in Disney World having fun at Dapper Day. I enjoyed this SO much. I think I want to plan my vacations around Dapper Day from now on so I can participate every year!! It was so fun getting dressed up (more than usual) and seeing all of the other people who got dressed up too!

I actually ordered a vintage dress just for the occasion but when it arrived it was a tad bit too big, so I rummaged through my closet and found this hidden in the back. I don't think I've worn it in years but it was so perfect for Dapper Day! It's actually a new dress but I think it definitely looks vintage in person. It has really intricate beautiful embroidery along the hem, an attached crinoline and fantastic construction.

I'm one of those people who has a hard time wearing white because I *always* stain it immediately. Case in point -- before we even left our hotel in the morning, I already had chocolate on my gloves. And lipstick. I folded them down to try to conceal it, but by the end of the day I'd gotten more lipstick on the fingers (I forgot I was wearing the gloves when I popped gum in my mouth) so I just gave up on trying to hide it. I also spilled chocolate mousse on my dress so I guess it's a good thing I *wasn't* wearing the vintage one after all!

I'm so head over heels in love with this hat. I found it on etsy and just knew it would work perfect with my braided hairstyle! I think I might wear hats more often now, they're such a beautiful accessory but it hardly ever occurs to me to wear them!

Kyle only brought one backpack on the train so he couldn't pack his suit (he likes getting dressed up just as much as I do!) but he brought a dress shirt and tie instead. He's actually wearing basketball shorts and sneakers here but he made me take the picture from the waist up.

I also met up with my friend Sally who had the most adorable Disneybound Mary Poppins Dapper Day outfit! I wish I had gotten a close-up photo of her hat, it was adorable! I'm going to write more about this later, but Sally published her first book this month and it is SO SO good!! It's available as a Kindle download on amazon here and I highly recommend it!

sunglasses - forever 21 | necklace and belt - from my grandmom