This week we're having a Spice Girls themed slumber party!! woo hoo!! During the summer of '97 almost every sleepover in my neighborhood was Spice Girls themed... we dressed up like the Spice Girls (I was always Posh then, but my favorite now is Geri), choreographed dances to their songs and perused our precious collections of Spice Girls magazines. Ready to relive those days? I've got treats, music, movies, and truth or dare, so let's get started! :D
Remember THESE? I'm really glad The Spice Girls promoted them because otherwise I might never have tried them, and now they're my favorite lollipops! The chocolate/vanilla one is my favorite! :D You can buy them here!

Spice Up Your Life
Who Do You Think You Are
Never Give Up on the Good Times
Love Thing

Spice Up Your Life
Who Do You Think You Are
Never Give Up on the Good Times
Love Thing
No Spice Girls party would be complete without Spice World!! Even if you aren't a big Spice Girls fan, this movie is so fun, it's impossible to dislike it! Plus if you're a fan of British tv, you can keep an eye out for TONS of tiny cameos peppered throughout the movie (my favorite is Tom from The Good Neighbors making an appearance as a Bishop.) And as a kid I would have done anything to visit (cough.. live in.. cough) their tour bus, and I think I still would. If you're not a super duper fan like me, and you don't have the movie on vhs and dvd (what can I say.. I never grew out of my spice girls phase lol) you can still watch it on youtube / torrent!

Each week I post a truth & a dare. You can answer the truth question in the comments, or participate in the dare on your own (and let me know if you chickened out in the comments ;-D) Also, feel free to give me a truth or dare in your comment and maybe I'll answer/do some of them in next week's slumber party post!
Truth: What group is your favorite for belting lyrics into your hairbrush and dancing around your bedroom in super silly clothing? (Not that I do this.... ;-D)
Dare: Dress up like a Spice Girl today!