You're 80 years old, and Hollywood has purchased the rights to turn your bestselling memoirs into a feature film! What is the title of your movie?
“Oh Well.”
Art house, blockbuster, summer comedy, epic, zombie-apocalypse movie?
I'd like to think it might be a musical, but an indie or art house one - if it were a mainstream movie it wouldn't be quite acceptable for nothing much to happen (which is what the story of my life would look like) but it works well in alternative films. The musical element is just there because I've always wished my life could be like a musical - more for the random singing and dancing than anything else. And it might liven up my life story a bit. Ha!
Who is directing?
Rian Johnson – from Brick and The Brothers Bloom I can tell he has a certain feeling for that 'old timey' quality, if that makes sense, whilst still being fresh and new.
Who is starring?
Christina Ricci c. The Man Who Cried.
What is the plot? Is it a comedy? Drama? Tragedy (I hope not!)?
I tried to look into my crystal ball, as it were, but couldn't really get past my present so I've decided it can just be about me in my 20s (and it's a 'dramedy'):
A young girl, with social anxiety and a sometimes melancholic nature, living in South Australia spends too much time alone except for when she's not, does some knitting, eats pizza and wears vintage dresses, drifting through life with no particular direction.
Did it win an award at the Oscars, Sundance or the Razzies?
I'd say it would probably win a Razzie!
What did you wear to the premiere?

“Oh Well.”
Art house, blockbuster, summer comedy, epic, zombie-apocalypse movie?
I'd like to think it might be a musical, but an indie or art house one - if it were a mainstream movie it wouldn't be quite acceptable for nothing much to happen (which is what the story of my life would look like) but it works well in alternative films. The musical element is just there because I've always wished my life could be like a musical - more for the random singing and dancing than anything else. And it might liven up my life story a bit. Ha!
Who is directing?
Rian Johnson – from Brick and The Brothers Bloom I can tell he has a certain feeling for that 'old timey' quality, if that makes sense, whilst still being fresh and new.
Who is starring?
Christina Ricci c. The Man Who Cried.
What is the plot? Is it a comedy? Drama? Tragedy (I hope not!)?
I tried to look into my crystal ball, as it were, but couldn't really get past my present so I've decided it can just be about me in my 20s (and it's a 'dramedy'):
A young girl, with social anxiety and a sometimes melancholic nature, living in South Australia spends too much time alone except for when she's not, does some knitting, eats pizza and wears vintage dresses, drifting through life with no particular direction.
Did it win an award at the Oscars, Sundance or the Razzies?
I'd say it would probably win a Razzie!
What did you wear to the premiere?