Look at these sleeves! ahh! I've been obsessed with bell sleeves for a really long time. I remember in middle school I went back to school shopping at Kohls and found this one shirt that I loved so much my mom got it for me in three different colors. It has 3/4 sleeves with big bells on the ends and it came in white, black and red. It's another one of those "why on earth did I get rid of it?!" things. Teenage Kate had no sense of what should be saved and what shouldn't. ugh!
Anyway, this dress more than makes up for losing the shirts. I also recently ordered this one from Emerging Thoughts. It's mint green lace -- be still my heart! I really hope this is a new trend so I can stock up a bit before it disappears into fashion oblivion for another decade.

dress - forever 21 | shoes - asos | necklace - handmade | sunglasses - h&m