It's been a little too long since I did an instagram update so I thought I'd pick some of my favorites from the past two months. In case you're wondering "wait, I thought I was following her but I've never seen these photos in my feed?!" you're not crazy -- I had to delete my account in December and start a new one. I'm still @kategabrielle but you'd have to re-follow. It's a long story, but if you're interested I wrote about it here.
1. such lazy kitty cats // 2. arrietty being generally adorable
3. new dwight earrings in the shop // 4. instagram magnets from sticky9
5. a little corner in my new room // 6. lovely dress from quince vintage
7. arrietty helping with laundry // 8. missing TCMFF so badly!!
9. intense cat stares // 10. tagged (ten things about yours truly)
11. making fox mulder earrings // 12. selfies with mr. hubble
13. cat cuddles are the best // 14. meeting diana in california!!
15. first time at disneyland // 16. meeting danielle in california!!
17. instagram marshmallows from boomf // 18. happiness is frank
19. sweetest package from danielle // 20. me and my best friends
21. awesome wig I saw in hollywood // 22. miss arrietty ♥