Hello, I'm Kailey from Mermaidens! I adore just about everything that is pastel or ice cream related, and so when I saw this DIY tutorial from Icing Designs my heart skipped a beat! Not only was it absolutely adorable, but immediately I thought of using one to make an ice cream headband and just had to share!

All you need for this project is:
1. Fabric
2. A 2 1/2" Styrofoam Ball
3. Fabric Glue
4. Cone Colored Scrapbooking Paper
5. Any Store Bought Headband
6. A Sewing Machine (though this can be hand sewn as well - that's what I did!)
Using the styrofoam ball, fabric, scrapbooking paper, and the Icing Design cone template, assemble your own ice cream cone!

Next, all you need to do is take any store bought headband and glue the ice cream cone to it - allow the glue to dry completely before attempting to wear. And voila! A super easy and cute ice cream headband :
As somebody who needs to watch their pennies, I was overjoyed with how low-cost this project was - I found the bag of styrofoam balls at the Dollar Store and already had plenty of fabric left over from other D.I.Y. projects!
I plan on making another one soon, only this time, in mint green!