Something a little out of the ordinary for me.. no color! Well, okay, some color. I had to add my new blue bow collar clips, and I had a bright green band-aid peeking out from underneath my sheer tights ;) I've really been going through a huge polka-dot phase lately! I'm coveting basically anything dotted that I see online or getting the urge to add my own dots to the plain clothes in my wardrobe. It just makes everything look more fun, doesn't it?!
On a totally different subject, did anyone watch The Office last night? I know a lot of people gave up after Michael Scott left (which I can understand since he's my favorite character) but I've stuck with it and last night was heart wrenching. Actually, that's an understatement. The show basically ripped out my heart and put it in the shredder like a sheet of Dunder Mifflin paper :(