We've had undeveloped disposable cameras and rolls of film laying around the house for as long as I can remember... some in junk drawers, some on shelves in the laundry room, some under the bed. Most of them expired 10+ years ago and might be completely useless now, but I'm finally going to find out! I was originally going to get them all developed at once, but after searching tirelessly for a very cheap way to develop disposable cameras (to no avail) I decided I'm going to start getting one developed per week. I actually like this way better! It will be something really nice to look forward to each weekend. I've heard of people getting old film developed and just having minor aging issues so I'm hoping I have the same luck!
I'm really excited to hopefully discover some lost memories! I'll post about my progress here if I find any photographic treasures. Who knows how many forgotten places, friends and adventures are waiting to be rediscovered! :)