Mandy from Miss Indie just opened up an online shop, Indie Darling! She has hairbows. Incredibly cute hairbows. Be still my heart! And she's offering 25% off with the code SB25!! I want one of each!!

Becca from Nattosoup did this amazing portrait of me! eep! Isn't it lovely!? It's making me miss my pink hair even more :) She does commissions, so you can have your own portrait done, too! Or it would make a really cute gift for the holidays! She has more information about her commission work here!

Kaelah just released an e-book jam-packed with advice for bloggers on marketing, public relations and more. My wallet is a little sore from my Disney trip right now but you can bet your buttons I'm planning on buying a copy as soon as my balance is back to normal. I already know that it'll be informative in a down to earth, fun way! I can't wait to read it :) You can snag a copy on her blog, here!