I am so in love with this suspender skirt! Isn't it the most perfect thing ever for showing off t-shirt designs?! Growing up my parents owned a music t-shirt store so I had a healthy supply of t-shirts as a kid, and even though my sartorial tastes have skewed towards vintage/retro/dressy stuff as I got older I still enjoy finding new ways to work t-shirts into my outfits! This particular shirt is my own design (I posted a timelapse of the drawing process in the story highlights on my instagram!) and it's also available as a lapel pin here.
Also, can I just say how much I LOVE IT when Arrietty decides to hang out with me for outfit photos? Honestly she's always in the room, usually just arms length away on my computer table, since she's like my little shadow. But it's even more fun when she gets in the frame lol :)