My dream list is comprised of things that I will not be getting for Christmas. My parents' budget for me and my brother is $100, so a $135 camera is not going to show up under our tree, lol. But nevertheless I love window shopping online, and I'm bound to come across some pretty awesome stuff that I desperately want but either can't afford or don't want to buy because it would just be unnecessary clutter when we're downsizing to move -- so I'm sharing those things with you :)
This camera is just beyond amazing! It's called the Spinner 360', and although I first saw it on Fred Flare, it's actually cheaper on Amazon (of course.) I've become a lot more interested in photography since I got my own point and shoot last year, and yet the more I use it, the more I long for the good old days of film and unexpected shots. As a kid I always loved the excitement of going to pick up our processed photos. And now when I look through our old photos, the candid ones that we shot on real film are always much more endearing and interesting than the ones that we had to set up 8 times before finally getting the perfect shot on our digital cameras. This particular camera, I think, would be a nice first step back into the world of film. It's not a conventional 35mm, so my shots wouldn't even be remotely simliar to the ones I'd be taking with my digital camera. And I think that the panoramic ratio makes you feel like you're back in the moment when you look at the photo.
Ok, I actually better stop there.. I need to stop talking myself into buying this! That wasn't the point ;-D
ps. the lovely tape clipart is from Pugly Pixel