Tuesday, November 23, 2010

my name is kate...

...and I am a shopaholic. I think it's pretty much a fact. I went on Modcloth's website today to print a return label for a dress I ordered with my birthday money last week, and somehow I ended up buying 4 other dresses in the process! I had a good weekend on etsy, and I'm pretty much caught up on my bills (cough.. don't ask me about my income taxes.. cough) so I thought, what the heck? Who cares if I only leave the house like once a week, usually to go to the post office or grocery store.. of course I need four more dresses!

Anyway, as long as I'm keeping Modcloth in business I thought it could work both ways -- I signed up as an affiliate now, so if you're ever in the mood to peruse their site (with an intention to buy!) I'd super duper appreciate it if you'd use the link over there on the right sidebar -----> so that they know I sent you their way! :-)

ps. the lovely tape clipart is from Pugly Pixel