I like jeans now? Actually, I've always liked jeans in theory. I loved them when I was a kid, I used to love getting new ones every year when me and my mom would go back-to-school shopping. I had a pair in middle school with black and white stripes down the side from Fashion Bug that were definitely the coolest jeans ever. But then the early 00's happened and all of a sudden jeans everywhere became low-waisted with like 90% spandex and 10% cotton. I also got a little wider but stayed the same short height, so most of the jeans I did like would have to be hemmed or rolled up at the cuff.
I bought one pair about three months ago on a whim and I'm not even joking I have a whole drawer filled with them now. It was like Liz Lemon in the episode where she gets those Brooklyn Without Limits jeans, only mine don't make my butt look quite as good. I threw out all of my old jeans immediately. (BURN THEM. BURNNN THEMMM!!)
They're old fashioned, gloriously high-waisted, and ninety-nine beautiful percentage points of cotton. My favorites are the ones that come with pre-torn knees because while I might be 99% cotton candy, I like to pretend that I'm 1% rock and roll.

jeans - asos | sweater - from my mom | sneakers - converse