Last night we went to the beach for the first time this summer. I don't know how I made it all the way to August without seeing the ocean! It was strangely chilly for this time of year... almost fall-like. You could hear the leaves rustling when we were strolling through town and the air had that dry, brisk feeling that doesn't usually show up until late September. As a big fan of autumn I was pretty darn thrilled to say the least. The beach always seems to be practically abandoned when the weather calls for sweaters instead of swimsuits, but I actually prefer it that way :)
It was such an incredibly lovely evening. I was working my behind off for the last week and needed a break SO badly. After several nights staying up past 5am I managed to finish tweaking all of my etsy listings to better suit the new listing page design (I think that's going live today) and I finished designing my dad's website. It doesn't seem like that much now that I typed it out but boy did it seem like a ton of work while I was doing it.
I still have lots to do, but the things on my plate now are much more exciting than monotonous etsy editing. I'm going to start working on my 2014 flapper doodle calendar today (yay!) and my dad finally titled the novel that he wrote 2 years ago, so I get to design the cover. I'm really excited about it! It's a murder mystery set in 1930's Princeton, with his parents as the book's crime-solving duo. It's SUCH a good story on it's own, but it's even more special to me since my grandfather passed away before I was born and my grandmom passed away when I was 3.... I feel like I really got to know them by reading the book. I can't wait to share more about it when it's all finished! :)