My "bedroom" is technically just a bed and a nightstand (and LOTS of pillows, ha!) I really do treat it like a bedroom, though. Once I make my bed in the morning I don't go near it until it's time to turn in for the night. It might seem silly but leaving my bed untouched during the day makes it that much more inviting and cozy when it's time to go to sleep! It's the same reason I get dressed each morning instead of staying in pajamas all day :)

Arrietty LOVES my bed. She has full rein of the house but she gravitates to this one area constantly. She usually keeps me company almost all day while I work :)

The vintage scalloped lace dress with the pink bow is pretty much my all-time favorite dress. I'm pretty sure it's going to be my birthday frock this year!

The heart pillow was from Target and the rest I handmade using vintage bedding fabric. If you search for "vintage sheet fat quarter" on etsy there are a TON of pretty fabrics to make into pillows, and they're really reasonable! Sometimes I like getting mystery packs with 10 or so randomly selected sheet patterns. It's so fun to get it in the mail and find out what you got :D (What an exciting life I lead, right? lol)

I got the poster of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers from ebay years ago (I just did a quick search and it's still available! yay!) Their movies never fail to cheer me up when I'm blue, so seeing this print everyday always makes me smile.

Dresses! Pillows!

More Arrietty!!!

The day after I took all of my photos for these posts I went to Target and found this lamp. THIS LAMP! THE CORD IS PINK!! PINK!! ahh! I get so ridiculously excited when I find utilitarian things in pretty colors.