remixed item: red scalloped collar dress from modcloth
outfit 1: white belt - old navy // red belt - f21 // shoes - modcloth
outfit 2: skirt - h&m // white belt - f21 // shoes - c/o blowfish
outfit 3: belt - from another dress // shoes - urbanog
It's been a while since I did a remix post! I actually have a whole stash of ones ready to go and I just keep forgetting to post them. This is one of my favorites, since I love this dress to pieces! It's got the most adorable little scalloped collar and I love the not-quite-short-not-quite-3/4-length sleeves.
I never actually posted the first photo here. It was sitting in my "unused outfits" folder for some reason. I did wear the dress one other time on the blog, but it was a super bad hair day and I don't really want to revisit that lol ;p My favorite of the three is definitely the last and most recent outfit, with the yellow. I'm a sucker for ketchup and mustard!