Somehow I stumbled upon a boat-load of pink kitchen appliances on Amazon, and now I'm itchin' for a kitchen of my own.
Actually, I've been itching for a kitchen (I can only drop a 'g' so many times in one post before my inner grammarian gets angry) for eons now. I already picked out my table set, and I'm debating whether or not to buy it now and keep it in storage, or just keep my fingers crossed that IKEA is still selling it in a couple of years. Wanna see?!?!
Now I'm picturing it in a little kitchenette with lovely pink appliances and.. hmm... baby blue/teal walls? Ooh! With classic film posters on the walls for movies like Breakfast for Two (1937), Dinner at Eight(1933), The Man Who Came to Dinner(1942) and Our Daily Bread (1934)!