remixed item: vintage velvet dress
outfit 1: cardigan - forever 21 // bag, tights, shoes - h&m // sunglasses -fred flare
outfit 2: tights - we love colors // shoes - h&m
This is one of my all-time favorite dresses, ever! The only thing is that the top button kept springing open whenever I was wearing it and nobody would tell me. I wore it in April to a street fair in Princeton, and who knows how long I was walking around with my top wide open before I finally looked down and noticed myself. eek!
Of course, I never actually fixed the dress, I just kept wearing it time and again, hoping it wouldn't burst open in public (and it always did.) But finally last month I found a black safety pin in my mom's sewing basket and permanently attached it to the dress (I couldn't sew it closed or else I wouldn't have been able to take it on or off) so all future crises are now averted :) Does anyone else have this problem with button-down clothing? For me, the garments don't even have to be tight in the chest, as long as they have buttons, they'll pop open. Even my oversized button-down pajamas that I wear around the house! I think all of my buttons are cursed.