This week I moved my supply stock into the garage and made a little order-packing station out there. It's amazing, all I did was move a few drawer units out of my studio but it had a domino effect of re-organization all over the room. I must have spent two whole days just shifting things around and rearranging until everything seemed perfect again. I'm so excited to have more room to stretch out with creative projects now though! My sewing machine has a dedicated spot on my table instead of getting stashed away in between projects, and all of my pens and pencils are situated at my drawing desk rather than being stored on the other side of the room.
I've been making more of an effort to MAKE things this year. Last June I hired my brother to tackle all of the business-y parts of running my shop so that I could concentrate on the creative side more, but it took a long time for us to really work out who does what and which tasks qualify as creative or business. We've finally seemed to reach a happy medium where I get to put more time into content creation (hence the frequency of my blog posts now!) new products, DIY projects, and painting. It's been SO long since I painted, and even though I always feel a little nervous stepping back behind the easel after a significant absence, I'm really excited to pick up the brushes again! I have some ideas for a new painting series and I really want to make it a goal to get original artwork in my shop again, not just accessories and prints :)

dress - asos | shoes - bait footwear | cardigan - forever 21
brooch - vintage | white shirt - asos