I did try painting again this week after over a year away from the easel, and... it did not go very well. I think I'm feeling so insecure that it's preventing me from making progress (or I just totally lost my knack for painting -- we'll see!) I'm reminded of a quote that's attributed to Picasso (but it's one of those all-over-the-internet quotes with no credible attribution, so who knows): "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." It's just so hard to regain that careless abandon you have when you're little, where you freely put crayon to paper without worrying quite as much about the final product or what people will think or will anybody want to own it. I'd love to get back in that mindset and just paint recklessly again.
Anyway, here I am being bowled over by amazing sleeves once again:

dress - charlotte russe | lace top - nasty gal | shoes - bait footwear