hat - handmade by Casey!
hair - Miss Violet Lace
Dress - Modcloth
My new pink wig came in the mail today, and it is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I've been looking for a good one for almost a year now, and when I saw this post on Little Chief Honeybee I knew I'd found what I was looking for! It's a light pink, with darker and lighter pink highlights. I'm glad I went the wig route instead of deciding to dye it, just because I really do love my red hair, and I think pink is a more of a "put it on in the morning, take it off at night" color for me! :) But YAY! I'm kind of hooked now.. I think I might be back in her shop soon buying another color!
3-23-11: *UPDATE!* It turns out that Miss Violet Lace was actually a reseller! They were buying cheap wigs, and saying they were "handmade" to jack up the price. If you bought a wig from them, you can get a partial refund by convoing them on etsy. Since the wigs are actually only like $20 on ebay (or even less -- Kaelah from Little Chief Honeybee found one for fifty cents!!!) she owes all of her customers the balance, in my opinion. I'm really upset that people use etsy to sell mass produced items under the guise of "handmade" in order to get more money. I actually do make my items handmade, and I feel guilty charging what they're actually worth. For instance, my planners take me hours and hours to put together, and yet I feel awful charging any more than $40 (which even then I feel is still too much) which means I earn less than minimum wage for my time. But someone who orders a fifty cent wig can charge $50 by saying it's handmade?! I don't know how you can have a clear conscience doing that :(