I'm cheating a bit with my outfit post today and using an outtake from two months ago! It's just such a fitting outfit for the week before Valentine's Day, isn't it?
I just didn't feel like getting dolled up pretty much any day this week. I've had a sinus infection for about a week (although I just got a humidifier yesterday and it helped me to have my first good, full night of sleep since last Friday!) and then on Wednesday I injured myself pretty badly during a picture framing mishap and ended up having to go to the doctor to get bandaged up and get a tetanus shot (WOW does that shot make your arm sore!!) I've just been a walking disaster all week long!
Also, this is totally off subject, but if anyone has this coat from ASOS in a size Petite US6 and wants to sell it please please please drop me an email! It's my favorite coat that I wear almost every time I leave the house, but the size I have is too big on me now and ASOS is sold out of US6 :(
Update: ASOS restocked the coat so I was able to snag one!! Yay!

sweater - lazy oaf | skirt - lazy oaf | shoes - bait footwear