Usually every spring I experience a burst of creativity, and until this week I honestly felt like it was going to pass me by this year. I'd had "new pin designs" on my to-do list since *February* but I just wasn't feeling inspired or motivated. My sales have been slowly but steadily declining since about October so that can be really demoralizing and kind of quashes my urge to produce new work. Why make something if it won't sell, etc. But I mean, even if at some point I end up having to get a "real" job, I'd still want to make things. It's fun to make things! Even if nobody else wants to buy them. So when I suddenly got a little burst of creativity earlier this week, through sheer willpower I turned it into a GIANT burst of creativity. I knocked out a new pocket mirror series (over 25 designs hitting the shop next week), and 11 new pin designs. I added four new t-shirt designs to my store (literally zero have sold but IT IS GOOD TO MAKE THINGS JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT) and I have another one ready to list. And I totally cleaned out and reorganized my supply storage, to boot! Phew!
Sometimes when making things is your livelihood it can be tough to separate the "my income relies on this" from the "I genuinely enjoy doing this!" and it's nice to remind myself every now and then that worrying about the first thing shouldn't make the making any less fun :)