My parents adopted a new cat last month! The family who brought her into the shelter thought she was a boy, and had named her George. The shelter named her Georgia when they realized she was a girl. And my parents were going to name her Kleo. But she's such a shy scaredy cat that we're all just calling her George so she hears a familiar name. She's honestly the most shy, skittish cat I've ever met! The vet said it's totally normal for some cats to take longer (even a few months!) to adapt to their new home, so we shouldn't worry as long as she's eating, drinking, and using the litter box (which she is.) But she mostly just hangs out under my parents' bed.
She's a black domestic long hair/maine coon mix and she's SOO affectionate and sweet when she ventures out for cuddles. I'll definitely share some photos here once she's more comfortable. I haven't wanted to do kitty paparazzi with her the way I do with Arrietty (who is not only totally game for photos but is *kind of* a camera hog) just because our not-under-the-bed time is so precious, I don't want to put a camera between us when she does come out for cuddles.
Also, unrelated to the cat (if you don't count kitty kisses!) but this dress has the prettiest lip print. I posted a close-up of it on my instagram here. I've been so obsessed with lip prints this year for some reason. I got lip sunglasses, this dress, a lip print shirt, and I made these lip lapel pins. It's sure a lot of kissy stuff for a self-professed spinster, lol!