Day 1 of my 30 day remix challenge! If you missed my post about which 30 pieces I picked out for the challenge you can see them right here. Sidenote -- I actually had an unusually fun time shooting photos of my clothes and then editing them for that post. It's probably an incredibly stupid and time-consuming idea but I kind of want to shoot my entire wardrobe and have like a little digital closet where I can assemble outfits on my computer. And if I decide to do a shop my closet sale I'd already have the photos ready to go. Maybe when I have some free time I'll tackle it...
June 1st is pretty exciting for me because it means I can officially say that NEXT MONTH I'll be going to Paris and Rome! AHH! It feels like just yesterday I was writing up my "30 before 30" to-do list and daydreaming about going to Europe before my 30th birthday. I didn't think I'd actually have the courage (yes, courage!) to go alone but in 52 days I'll be on my way. EEK!
Speaking of my 30 before 30 list, I think I'm going to update it a little bit now that I've hit the halfway point. I have about six months left of being 29 and a lot of the things I dreamed up on my to-do list last year just don't interest me anymore, or I don't feel compelled to complete them. I might even sub something out for this 30 day remix challenge, since, well, THIRTY THIRTY THIRTY THIRTY, right?!

dress - le bomb shop | shoes - bait footwear | striped top - forever 21
purple shirt - modcloth | purple rug - amazon
purple shirt - modcloth | purple rug - amazon