Just a little note to say that my Sugar Spice & Everything Nice interviews are going to be on a tiny hiatus, since I have some absolutely fantastic guest posts to publish instead! About 10 of my favorite bloggers agreed to answer some fun questions for me, so that I could take some time off while I was moving. Now that I'm staying put, I'm going to publish one guest post each Saturday instead of posting them all in one week.
So Saturday is still reserved for little guest posts/interviews, they're just going to have a different theme for the next few months :) I proposed this notion: "You're 80 years old, and Hollywood has purchased the rights to turn your bestselling memoirs into a feature film!" and then asked bloggers to answer some fun questions about their new film! I think it's super fun, and I even did movie posters to go with all of the posts! I hope you'll stop by each Saturday to check them out!
A HUGE thank you to the bloggers who participated! I'm so excited to start posting these today!! The first one will be up in about an hour, so please check back! :)