It feels so nice to be feeling nice enough for outfit posts again! I was diagnosed with the same infection that I had over the holidays, and the recovery process took a lot longer this time. But I caught it quicker since I recognized the symptoms, and I finally went to see a specialist. And she put me on a longer antibiotic regiment to hopefully make sure it doesn't come back a third time. But apparently your chance of recurrence jumps from about 20% to 60% once you've already contracted the infection two times. Yikes!
My treatment just ended three days ago, and it was good timing because my trip to California is tomorrow! I booked this trip back in August of last year, and I had NO idea at the time how much it would end up meaning to me during my two bouts of illness. The idea of sunny California, reuniting with my friends, and getting to visit the happiest place on earth, really got me through a lot of tough nights and gave me a light to look forward to at the end of the tunnel.
I'm still not feeling 100% yet, and in person I think my face has a very "on death's door" pallor to it, but I've made so much progress and I'm able to eat most of my favorite foods again (still holding off on beans and broccoli but I think I'll try them when I get back from my trip!) I've been going for walks with my dad every day, and my fitbit stats moved from "poor" to "fair" heart health -- which is the right direction at least! I'm feeling optimistic and happy... and honestly THRILLED that I'm not just wearing pajamas every day anymore, lol!