My last shop my closet sale didn't go over too well, but on the bright side I got to keep a lot of clothes that I would have been sad to part with, like this lilac/pink dress. I could have used the money a lot more than the dress, lol, but still it's nice to be able to wear it since it was one of my favorites. It's just such a pretty color and goes with a lot of the other separates in my closet.
It's funny though how there are always some leftover dresses in every sale, and I end up feeling bad for them, and start wearing them WAY more than I did before I put them in the closet sale. I feel like they have hurt feelings and deserve more love now. It's crazy. There are three dresses in particular (a blue/black striped dress, a coral and tan lace dress, and a white daisy print dress) that have been in three closet sales over the last few years and still never sold. I've reached a point where I decided they're never going back in a closet sale again, and I'm going to wear them ALL THE TIME to make it up to them, lol.
Anyway, speaking of closet sales -- my vintage sale on the Whurl app is live today! I posted about 20 dresses including some of my absolute favorites. I know I always say that but really, there's some goodies in there. Also Sam from Whurl posted an interview with me on her blog today, right here :)

dress - charlotte russe | shoes - asos
cardigan - oasap | wig - keke wigs