I'm really determined to start doing more outfit posts again. I've been feeling so uninspired and unmotivated lately in every aspect of my life, and I need to just snap out of it. Does anyone remember when Kendi from Kendi Everyday used to do 30 for 30 remix challenges? You pick out 30 pieces to wear for the whole month, and every day you remix those pieces into a different outfit. I never got around to participating back then, but I'm thinking about going for it this June. It seems like a good way to jolt my creativity back to life.
If you're feeling uninspired too maybe join along! I'm going to pick out my 30 pieces this weekend and I'll share them here before I start wearing them on June 1st.

By the way, how amazing are the sleeves on this dress? I'm such a sucker for bell sleeves. And the light blue/cream lace combination is one of my favorites... I think I have 3 dresses in this colorway and they just seem so lovely & vintagey to me. This particular one is my tentative birthday dress (6 months away, but whatever) and it's actually 30% off now. I bought it full price... but it was worth it so I'm not bitter about it, I swear.