A few days ago I was reminiscing with my Grandmom about a basket of toys and activities she used to keep in her closet for whenever me or my brother visited her. It had some play food, card games, crayons, etc. and even though we go over my Grandmom's house multiple times each year I hadn't actually seen the basket since my little brother outgrew the toys inside.
I asked if she still had it, and she offered to give it to me and my brother if we wanted to come pick it up. So over the weekend we went over and sat on her floor, just like we did when we were little, and went through the basket. It was one of the most pure moments of fun I've experienced in my adult life. It's amazing how many memories just came rushing back to me, and how many things in the basket had slipped my mind until I saw them again. A green pitcher, a yellow canister filled with used crayons, a mini cardboard box of Reynold's aluminum foil, a 101 Dalmatians puzzle, a crazy eights card game with jungle animals on the cards, play food peas that snap into their pods.
It's no secret that I'm a big fan of nostalgia. I love reliving my childhood and I am a big proponent of letting your childhood and adult life coexist in harmony. So this was very special to me. It was like opening a little time capsule! I'm just so glad that she saved everything.

Unrelated to what I've written here but very much related to my photos -- the necklace was a DIY project that me and my mom did last year for my New Order outfit. It mimics the color coded squares from the cover of the Power, Corruption, and Lies album! We made it out of wooden tile beads, wire, and paint and it's one of my favorite projects of all time :)

dress - modcloth (old) | shirt - vintage | shoes - bait footwear
necklace - diy | wig - keke wigs