This probably shouldn't even count as an outfit post since I didn't get good photos, but it's really the only outfit I have left to share from the trip. I did wear clothes every day, I swear, I just didn't get good pictures of most of them.
I wore this the night of the theme party, where you're supposed to get all dolled up. I've never been on a TCM Cruise before so I had no idea if it was like ballgown-dressy, cocktail party-dressy or semi-fancier-than-jeans dressy so I just played it safe with a little black dress. As it turns out, people really do get super dressed up, a lot of people wore period clothing (it is a classic movie-themed cruise, after all!) complete with feather boas and everything! I'm definitely going to bring something fancier when I go next time!
I've been in a horrible funk ever since I got home, to be honest. I'm usually really excited about getting home after vacations but this time I'm having a really difficult time getting back into my normal routines and I've been kind of grouchy. I've been spending way too much time looking at group travel packages to Europe and dreaming about my next adventure. I guess a lot of this is tied up in my whole age-crisis stuff (#firstworldproblems) but I just feel like I need a major change.

dress - asos | shoes - blowfish