I was really anxious to share the "meeting Misha" post so I skipped right over the first day of the convention. So let's rewind a bit! tib a dniwer s'tel oS .noitnevnoc eht fo yad tsrif eht revo thgir deppiks I os tsop "ahsiM gniteem" eht erahs ot suoixna yllaer saw I
I literally waited until the last possible minute to decide what to wear, but I'm really happy with what I ended up choosing. I keep forgetting that I have this dress but it's like a trifecta of everything I want in a perfect frock -- long sleeves, lace, and fit-and-flare. We took outfit photos inside the hotel so I tried un-hotel-decoring the background a bit in photoshop, lol. Why does it seem like every hotel has the same carpet that they use on the walls at bowling alleys?!
Anyway! This is what I was wearing when I got Misha Collins' autograph (the picture with him came later.) I brought along a piece of fake plastic kale for him to sign (it's a GISHWHES thing) and I think it might have been TOO inside-jokey because I'm not sure he got it. But then later on he was asked in a Q&A about weird things people have brought him and he said that people have asked him to sign paper mache heads, so I felt ever so slightly less like a complete weirdo after that.
And then I lost the kale. TRAGEDY!!!!
I guess I'll just have to go back again next year to get a new one! ;)

dress- asos | shoes - blowfish (old) | clear tote - dolls kill